土壌の物理性と作物の生育および収量との関係 : 第I報 作物の初期生育におよぼす土壌の粗密の影響
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Experiments were made to probe the effects which the soils of different bulk densities would have on the conditions of crop plants in their early growth stage. 1) The authers, using a kind of crop plants, examined the effects which the soils of different bulk densities would have on their conditions observed in their early stage of growth. As a result, it was known that the effects in question are different according to the kind of crop plants. As a matter of fact, the growth of such kinds as soybean, buckwheat, Japanese radish, Chinese cabbage, cucumber and pumpkin was hampered considerably, whereas no remarkable growth-inhibiting effects were observed in the case of sorghum, upland rice and paddy rice under the high bulk density of soil. It was also observed that the growth of the roots of crop plants in its early stage was liable to be affected by the soil of high bulk density much more than that of the upper parts of such plants. 2) The germinating capacities of various types of crop plant seeds in water were compared with one another to probe the effects the controlled supply of oxygen would have on such capacities at the germinating time. The result was that those crop plants which had attained good germinating and growing conditions even under the controlled supply of oxygen were mostly those which were not easily affected by the relatively high bulk density of soil (in this case, correlation coefficient γ= + 0.62). 3) The effects which the soils of different structures would have on the early-stage growth of crop plants were examined by the use of the soils which were aggregated under the effect of soil conditioners, together with their original soils. Those crop plants whose growth conditions were considerably improved by the aggregated soil were Japanese radish and buckwheat, and no such effect was observed in the case of paddy rice and barnyard millet. 4) In studying the effects which the soils of different bulk densities and under different aerating conditions would have on the early-stage growth of crop plants, it was found that the effects in question were different on the kind of the crop plants used. That is, the growth of sweet potato plant and soybean was liable to be affected adversely when soil aeration was not good. In the case of corn, the growth was affected more by the soil strength than by the soil aerating conditions. As for upland rice, its growth was less affected by such soil physical conditions than three other crop plants.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1965-06-15
- 畑深耕に関する研究 : 第3報 深耕畑における多収栽培について (第129回 講演会)
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- 土壌の物理性と作物の生育および収量との関係 : 第IV報 土壌構造の差異が甘藷の二,三の生理的特性におよぼす影響
- 土壌通気と甘藷の生育収量との関係 : 第1報 土壌の粗密, 肥料の多少と生育収量
- 環境の相異と直播甘藷の生育収量との関係について : 第1報 土壤水分の相異と生育収量の関係 : 第2報 土壤の種類並びに標高の相異と生育収量の関係
- 平坦地と高冷地における甘藷の生育比較 (第115回 講演会)
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- 2,4-D が甘藷の生育収量に及ぼす影響
- 甘藷に対する2・4-D使用上の問題点
- 畑深耕に関する研究 : 第VI報 各種作物の生育に及ぼす深耕処理の影響 (第135回 講演会)
- [作物学会賞受賞 特別講演] 作物生産における土壌管理の栽培学的意義に関する研究
- 土壌の物理性と作物の生育および収量との関係 : 第VI報 土壌空気組成の変化が作物の時期別生育におよぼす影響
- 土壌の物理性と作物の生育および収量との関係 : 第V報 各種作物の生育におよぼす土壌空気組成の変化の影響
- 畑深耕に関する研究 : 第IX報 土壤空気組成の変化と作物の生育時期との関係 (第139回講演会)
- 畑深耕に関する研究 : 第VIII報 各種作物の生育におよぼす土壤空気組成の影響 (第139回講演会)
- 土壌の物理性と作物の生育および収量との関係 : 第III報 土壌容気率, 土壌空気組成と甘藷の生育および収量との関係
- 土壌の物理性と作物の生育および収量との関係 : 第II報 土壌の粗密. 土壌水分の多少が作物の生育および収量におよぼす影響
- 土壌の物理性と作物の生育および収量との関係 : 第I報 作物の初期生育におよぼす土壌の粗密の影響
- 畑深耕に関する研究 : 第VII報 土壌の物理性と作物の生育収量との関係 (第136回 講演会)
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- 畑深耕に関する研究 : 第V報 下層土の種類と陸稲の生育収量 (第133回 講演会)
- 蔬菜類の生育•収量に及ぼす深耕処理の影響
- 88 作物根の生態的特性について : (2)根の生態的特性から見た甘藷のつるぼけ機構
- 土壌の物理性と作物の生育および収量との関係 : 第VIII報 通気処理が甘藷の養分吸収および塊根肥大におよぼす影響
- 土壌の物理性と作物の生育および収量との関係 : 第VII報 甘藷の塊根肥大におよぼす土壌空気組成ならびに土壌粗密の影響とその相互作用について
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