干拓田産種籾の特性に関する研究 : 第2報 イネの生育期塩分処理が種籾の塩水中発芽力におよぼす影響
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The author has put forth efforts to make clear the influences exerted by the treatments of rice plants with sodium chloride or sea-water, upon the germination force under saline water and some biochemical characters of the seeds obtained therefrom. The results may be summarized as follows: 1) Treatments of rice plants with saline water exerted injurious influences upon their growth and yield, and greater influences were caused according to the strength of salinity. When treated at their tillering stage or ear-forming stage, the plants suffered much greater injury, bringing about much smaller yield. Especially the weight of one grain showed a remarkable fall through the treatment at the latter stage. 2) It can be considered that the germination under saline water of the seeds thus obtained varied much more with the stages at which the treatments had been carried out than with the concentrations of NaCl with which the parent plants had been treated. And especially the treatment from the heading stage to the maturing stage exerted a greater influence upon the germination of the seeds thus obtained, while the weights of seeds seemed to have little connection with the germination under saline water and the growth of seedlings. 3) The embryos of the hulled rice yielded through the above treatments came to have a greater TTC reducing activity, and the paper-electrophoretic patterns of protein in the hulled rice in question were somewhat different from those of the others. 4) Judging from these results, the activity of the enzymes in the seeds obtained through the above treatments seemed to have changed its degree, which caused the seeds to show the singularly ,in their germination under saline water.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1962-05-01
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