藺草に関する研究 : I. 苗圃期に於ける分げつの発現について
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1. The time intervals among successive appearance of new tillers in the ruch plant may vary according to the environmental conditions around the plant. From the results of the author's observations, however, it was ascertained that, under a definite condition, the number of days for every new tiller to develope in succession was nearly constant in this plant. 2. Every tiller appears on the second or third, sometimes even on the fourthnode of the mother stem. The author denominated the series of superposed tillers, each from the second node of the preceding one, as the "first tillering rank", and the series just analogous to that in construction, but starting from the third node of the stems of the "first tillering rank", as the "second tillering rank", and so on. (Fig. 1) The appearance of the third stem of the "first tillering ranp" occurs almost at the same time as that of a tiller from the third node of the first stem of the same rank. Such systematic and synchronic behavior of tillering lasts in the further course of growth. 3. Therefore, either the tillers which should appear at the same time, or the existent number of tillers of the whole plant may be given by a simple numerical formulation based on the tiller orders in the "first tillering rank".
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1956-10-01
- い草本田期における微気象の 1 結果について
- 冬季間の温度変化がいぐさの生育におよぼす影響
- 水・地温が藺草の分けつ発現並びに生育に及ぼす影響の一考察
- い草に関する研究 : VIII 光の強さが分げつ, 生育におよぼす影響 (第128回 講演会)
- い草に関する研究 : VII 本圃期における定植期の早晩が分げつ発現におよぼす影響 (第128回 講演会)
- 蘭草に関する研究 : VI 本田における根系について (第124回 講演会)
- 藺草に関する研究 : V. 分げつ発現時期と発現所要日数について
- 藺草に関する研究 : IV 窒素質肥料が地上茎に及ぼす影響について
- 藺草に関する研究 : II. 同伸分げつ莖数の発現変異 : III. 分げつ体系中における分げつ莖の発現期と草丈及び枯れ方について
- 藺草に関する研究 : (II) 同伸分げつ茎数の不規則性について (第115回 講演会)
- 藺草に関する研究 : I. 苗圃期に於ける分げつの発現について