- 論文の詳細を見る
The relation of the rachilla-length in rice plant (variety "Aichi-Asahi") and the funiculus-length in Vicia sativa L . var. normalis M., to germination was investigated. The funiculus-length in Vicia was measured after soaking the sample pod in hot water (at 80〜90℃) for several to fifteen seconds. Then the seeds, detached previously from the pod, were tested of their germination in a PETRI-dish in the laboratory, observation being continued for about one year. Germination tests of rice seeds were made only in a week in an electric thermostat at 26-28℃ with LIEBENBERG's germinators, after measurement of rachilla-length. The results are as follows : (Fig. 1〜3) 1) In rice, the rachilla of a terminal caryopsis on each rachis was longest being about 13mm. in length, followed by those of the others in an order: 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd and 2nd from the apex, the length of the last one being only about 2mm. 2) 2nd caryopsis which had shortest rachilla germinated earliest and the terminal one did latest. Thus, the order in germination speed agreed with the order in rachilla length. 3) In Vicia, the funiculus lengths were irregular. But the germination order was similar to that in rice, the seeds with shorter funicula were earlier in germination than that with longer ones. In the authors previous reports it was mentioned that a positive correlation was found between the thickness of outer-integument and the length of funiculus in the ovary in Vicia. They supposed in the present studies that funiculus-length had some relation to hardening of legume seeds.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1956-07-01
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