水稲の挫折による養分移行について : 出穗期にP^<32>を用いた実験
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1. Transloation of P^<32> through the stems of rice plants artificially broken down at the heading time of the plant was reduced in proportion to severiy of the treatment. 2. When the stem was cut around the outer wall, the translocation was similarly suppressed in proportion to the extent of cutting. Therefore, the main factor of impeding translocation in broken-down stems may be considered to be the destruction of the stem wall. 3. When some of the stems of a plant were broken down, the translocation in those stems was hindered, while that in the stems untouched was not interfered. Therefore, the compensational translocation seemed not to exist. 4. The translocation in the stems which had once been broken and rose up afterwards by apogeotropism was observed to be nearly equal to that immediately after the treatment, and so natural rising-up of the stems seemed to have no effects on recovery of translocation. 5. Recovery in translocation in the broken stem when artificially raised up was found to be not so remarkable, though not negligible. To postpone helping up the broken down stems may generally be conductive to larger damages.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1956-07-01
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