水稲の葉の発育経過に関する研究 : (第1報) 葉身並びに葉鞘の発育経過
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In order to make clear the peculiarity of growth habit of rice plant in warmer regions, and to obtain fundamental data of clinical diagnosis based on its external characteristics, the present investigation concerning with growing process of leaves according to the leaf order was carried out. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Elongation process of the leaves (blades and sheaths) according to their leaf orders were shown in Fig. 1 (in nursery bed period) and Fig. 2 (in transplanted field period). 2. Elongation periods of the leaves are shown in Fig. 3. These periods increased in length gradually according to the leaf order from the 1st blade to the 7th blade, where the firstpeak occured, and then decreased sucessively until the 10th blade which showed the minimum length of period. In higher odered leaves than the 11th blade, these periods were increased again gradually. Elongation period of each leaf sheaths coincides almost with that of the next higher ordered leaf blades. 3. Leaf period of each leab showed a tendency to increase gradually from the lower to the higher. The difference in the life duration between the 1st and the 9th leaves was not so great, but those among the upper order leaves beyond the 12th were of some significance.(Fig. 3) 4. Blade-weight per leaf changed regularly according to the leaf order as shown in Fig. 4 (A). The weight increased regularly according to the elongation of blade, and the maximum weight was reached shortly after the completion of elongation. The decrease of the blade weight from the maximum was not so large as that of sheath. 5. sheath-weight per leaf changed in the similar way as that of the blade as shown in Fig. 4 (B). The difference of weight between the sheath and the blade according to the growing stage seemed to show heavy decrease after the maximum weight was attained, and this tendency was especially remarkable in sheaths of 12〜15th leaves. This decrease of weight correlated closely with starch translocation in sheath. 6. Between the two groups of the leaf, i. e. a lower group of 1〜11th leaves and the upper one of 12〜16th, the authors found a distinct difference in the sheath blade weight ratio. It might be related to the growth phase transition from the vegetative to the reproductive stage of the plant. 7. Developmental changes of leaf number and weight per plant were shown in Flg. 5. the number of green leafblades was largest at the developing stage of young ear, but their weight was heaviest at the time immediately before heading. The number and weight of green leaf sheaths were largest at the same time as the former.
- 1954-09-30
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