- 論文の詳細を見る
1. To accelerate the potato formation, we make tubers sprout out their buds in the fall of the previous year and they are allowed to elongate to the length of about 4 cm. in the diffused light. The buds must be stored under the condition of proper temperature and humidity. In winter time, temperature must be kept above O°, Calthough thus treated tubers are more resistant to freezing. Thus we can increase the yield of potatoes. On 5th June, we can get the yield of potatoes about twice as much as that of ordinary one which wag planted at the same time in March. On 15th June, it is about three times as much. 2. This procedure is very useful for the prevention of virus propagation in stems and leaves. 3. The number and weight of tubers increase in proportion to the length of buds. 4. The small buds shorter than 1 cm. of large tubers often gave abundant potatoes, this interesting fact being discussed in this paper. 5 This practice has been proved to be desirable in our district (Miyagi and Fukushima prefecture), and it may be generally recommended.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1952-07-20
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