- 論文の詳細を見る
In sunflower plants, the fertilized flowers develope generally into matured grains, but when the migration of nutriment into the fruits is not enough, some of them are blasted at the early stage of seed-formation (blasted grains). Some of the unfertile lowers are blasted immediately (sterile grains), but another vigorous flowers develope into parthenocarpic grains. Therefore, the fruiting ability will be able to be indicated with the relation between the number of fertilized grains and the number of flowers (fertilizing percentage), the rate of the blasted grains to fertilized grains in number (blasted percentage), the relation between the number of parthenocarpic grains and the one of unfertile grains (parthenocarpic percentage), and the average weight of the matured grains. (1) The flower disk was divided into outer, middle and inner parts, and the fruiting ability of each part was compared respectively. The tubular flowers on the outer part opened earlier and were more vigorous than those of the middle or inner part, therefore the unfertile percentage and the brasting percentage were lowest at the outer part and highest at the inner part. On the contrary, the parthenocarpic percentage was highest at the outer part and lowest at the inner part. The average weight of the matured grains was generally lightest at the inner part. (2) When some of the tubular flowers on the outer part were picked off at the flowering time, the remaining flowers became vigorous and the fruiting ability of those was invigorated, and the average weight of matured grains became heavy, then these influences were more remarkable in the inner flowers. (3) There was no remarkable difference in the growth habit of the sunflower plants at Nobeyama highland and Tokyo. Nevertheless, the blasted grains were considerably numerous and the average weight of the matured grains was smaller at highland. These may be due to the low temperature at the maturing stage in highland.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1951-03-30
- 高冷地に於ける小麦の生育と収量とに関する研究 : 第3報 冬期間及び早春の気温が小麦の生育収量に及ぼす影響 : 第4報 冬期間及び早春の地温が小麦の生育収量に及ぼす影響
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- 菜種の摘葉に就いて (第100回講演会)
- 熟畑化過程における雑草植生の変遷に関係する研究 : 第3報 火山灰黒ボク地帯における雑草群落の平均反応数と土壌酸度との関係
- 籾の乾燥に関する一実驗
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- 大豆の採種に関する研究 : 異なる標高で採種した大豆種子の次代植物の生育収量に及ぼす影響について
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- 熟畑化過程における雑草植生の変遷に関する研究
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- 91. 熟畑過程における雑草植生の変遷に関する研究 : 第11報 土壌酸度の変化による雑草の生態的防除
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- 27. 熟畑化過程における雑草植生の変遷に関する研究 : 第10報 雑草の量的特性による熟畑化の指標
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- 3. 熟畑化過程における雑草植生の変遷に関する研究 : 第8報 焼畑農法と雑草植生の変化
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- 22. 熟畑化過程における雑草植生の変遷に関する研究 : 第6報 原野から熟畑に至る過程における雑草植生の変化
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- 57. 熟畑化過程における雑草植性の変遷に関する研究 : 第5報 異なる種類の土壌地帯における雑草群落による熟畑化の指標
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