13 Effect of soil drying on mineralization of soil organic N and N uptake by rice plant
- 21 緩効性肥料の水稲の生育・収量に及ぼす影響について
- 1 Varietal difference in nitrogen response-special reference to growth duration
- 13 Effect of soil drying on mineralization of soil organic N and N uptake by rice plant
- 11 Physiological Aspects of Direct seeded (broadcasting) Rice Cultivation
- 2 Physiological Aspects of Short Duration Varieties
- 2 Effect of Slow Release Fertilizer (Meister) on the Nitrogen Uptake and Yield of Rice Plant
- 123 Nitrogen Absorption Pattern of Rice Plant
- 6 Nitrogen Response of Rice Plant : Reference to Nitrogen Absorption Ability
- 124 Nitrogen response of F_1 hybrid of rice plant
- 2 Responses of IR Varieties and Lines to Plant Spacing