51 Heterosis in Rice with Reference to Agronomic Characters and Leaf Photosynthesis
Oishi Naoki
Fac.of.agr. Tokyo Univ.of Agr. & Tech.
Htut Po.
Fac.of.Agr.,Tokyo Univ.of Agr. & Tech.
Ishihara Kuni
Fac.of.Agr.,Tokyo Univ.of Agr. & Tech.
Htut Po.
Fac.of.agr. Tokyo Univ.of Agr. & Tech.
Ishihara K
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technology Tokyo Jpn
Ishihara Kuni
Fac.of.agr. Tokyo Univ.of Agr. & Tech.
- 51 Heterosis in Rice with Reference to Agronomic Characters and Leaf Photosynthesis
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