- 論文の詳細を見る
Propagated plants of a clone from orchardgrass, cv. Frode, were grown outdoors under short-day condition by solution culture method. The temperature of culture solution before or after cutting was maintained at 10°, 17°, 24°and/or 30℃, respectively, under natural air temperature condition (Table 1). The results are summarized as follows. 1. There were differences in growth resulting from variation in the root temperature during 10 days before cutting (Table 2). Dry weight of top and root was highest at 17℃ of root temperature, lowest at 30℃ except for the case where the weight was lowest at 10℃ under the highest air temperature condition. Carbohydrate content in the stubble became higher with decrease of root temperature except for the case where air temperature was highest. 2. Dry weight of regrowth portion (Fig. 1) and basal part of top (Fig. 4), leaf area (Fig. 2), number of tillers (Fig. 3) and dry weight of root (Fig. 5) were highest at 10℃ or 17℃ of root temperature before cutting except for the case of highest air temperature condition and lowest at 30℃. Carbohydrate content in the basal part of top became higher with increase of the root temperature before cutting when air temperature was low (Fig. 6). 3. Dry weight of regrowth portion 12 days after cutting was highest at 10℃ or 17℃ of root temperature after cutting except for the case where air temperature was lowest (Fig. 1). The one 25 days after cutting was highest at 17℃, lowest at 30℃. Leaf area (Fig. 2), number of tillers (Fig. 3) and dry weight of basal part of top (Fig. 4) and root (Fig. 5) 25 days after cutting showed the same trend as the one in regrowth. Carbohydrate content in the basal part of top (Fig. 6) was high in plants of heavy dry weight of the part. It is suggested from these results that growth of non-cut plants and of plants elapsed some days after cutting are accelerated at 17℃ of root temperature and restricted at 30℃. It is also suggested that the optimum root temperature just before or just after cutting for the regrowth is 10℃ to 17℃.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1982-03-20
- 西日本コムギ品種における根の分布
- コムギにおける分げつの消長と乾物重および窒素吸収
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- 51 日本型水稲と陸稲の生育・生理に及ぼす大気湿度の影響.
- 明期・暗期の日長の違いが水稲の生長に及ぼす大気湿度の影響
- 70 水稲の生長・生理に及ぼす大気湿度の影響の品種間差異
- 40 明期・暗期の大気湿度が水稲葉身の気孔密度ならびに装置の大きさに及ぼす影響
- 異なる窒素濃度培地における水稲の乾物生産と窒素吸収に及ぼす大気湿度の影響
- 53 明期および暗期の大気湿度が水稲の生長・生理に及ぼす影響
- オーチャードグラスの再生に及ぼす刈取り前後の温度の影響
- 大気湿度が水稲の生育ならびに生理に及ぼす影響 : 第7報 種々の気温における幼植物の生長と乾物生産に及ぼす大気湿度の影響
- 水稲生育における水田内の水平的変異と微気象 : 第2報 水田における水稲個体群表面温度(葉温)の水平分布
- 123 水田における水稲個体群の平均葉温と気象要素との関係
- 103 大型水田における水稲個体群表面温度(葉温)の分布について
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- 85 大気湿度が水稲個体群の光合成速度に及ぼす影響
- チーゼル (Dipsacus fullonum L.) の生育特性
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- 混作, 間作, 輪作における作物の生長と窒素の動態 : 第5報 イタリアンライグラスの施用が水稲の生育・収量に及ぼす影響
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- 刈取り前後の根部温度がオーチャードグラスの再生に及ぼす影響
- 33 オーチャードグラスの再生に及ぼす刈取り前後の地下部温度の影響