6 チタンに吸着する唾液タンパク質および血清タンパク質について (第463回大阪歯科学会例会)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Titanium (Ti) is very effective as an implant material. I carried out in vitro experiments on the adsorption of salivary proteins and serum proteins to Ti to better understand how this material reacts in the oral cavity. I found that when Ti that had adsorbed serum proteins was exposed to salivary proteins, there was an exchange of the proteins on the Ti surface. The same thing happened when Ti that had adsorbed salivary proteins was exposed to serum proteins. This suggests that both human salivary proteins and serum proteins adsorb to Ti with different affinity, and that protein already adsorbed to Ti might mask binding sites for other proteins.
- 大阪歯科学会の論文
- 1998-12-25
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- 6 チタンに吸着する唾液タンパク質および血清タンパク質について (第463回大阪歯科学会例会)