水稲の分けつに関する研究 : 変温と分けつの消長
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By using two varieties with different growth habit. Norin No. 1 and Zosan No. 1,an experiment was made to examine at eath leaf stage the influence of air temperature on the tillering and tiller growth of rice plants. They were grown in the growth cabinets first at high (mean temp. 28.5℃.), then at low (mean 18.5℃.) temperatures and vice versa with the light intensity of 22.000lux and 0.275 cal/cm^2 min. and the daylength of 12 hours. Temperature switching was carred out at 8th leaf stages of the respective main stem. The results were : 1) The high temperature conditions caused both the varieties to increase their tillers, while the low to inhibit their emergence. 2) Zosan No.1 (heavy panicle type variety) produced mach more tillers high to low temperature condition than under low to high conditions. The reason is that the formation of tiller buds in intensified by high temperatures, but that low temperature is suitable for them to grow up to be tillers. 3) To mention tillering aspect caused by the difference in growth habit, the production of high-position tillers was inhibited by high temperature conditions in both varieties, dut this influence was marked by observed especially in the heavy panicle type variety.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1978-02-01
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