コンニャクの種いもに関する研究 : 第1報 コンニャクの地上部形態ならびに生育量といも肥大との関係
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The writers researched the relation of the leaf types and the sizes of the top to the thickening growth of "Amorphophallus konjac."2. There is a great difference both in the distribution of the sizes of the top and in the distribution of the tuber weights in the various leaf types. 3. The normal type group or the abnormal one only in the leaf color (pale, deficient in minor elements) has more members big in the size of the top and heavy in the tuber weight than another group. 4. The abnormal foliation groups (willow-leafed, dwarf-leafed, and rod-leafed) have less members big in the size of the top and heavy in the tuber weight than the normal group. The more these abnormalities are serious, the more this tendency is marked. The tendency is also marked in the case that the abnormalities are complicated. 5. The tuber weight and each size of parts of the top are highly correlated with each other in the following cases. (1) Simple correlation among the 4 factors : The tuber weight is correlated with each of the other 3 factors, the thickness of petiole, the length of petiole, and the width of expanded leaf. (2) Partial correlations among the 3 factors (the primary partinl correlation) and among the 4 factors (the secondary partial correlation) : The tuber weight is correlated with the thickness of petiole and with the width of expanded leaf. (3) Multiple correlation among the 4 factors : The tuber weight is correlsted with all of the other 3 factors.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1972-01-25
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