- 論文の詳細を見る
1) The first, purpose is to research how the cost of rush and rush mat differ in each size of the farm. The second is to make clear the position of rush production among other farm products from the farm economical point, the possibility of its limitting factors to enlarge the rush production. 2) The cost of rush and rush mat, concerned on pure cost, decrease successively from small to large size of the farm, it is chiefly due to the sum of wages, but this relation is modified by farm implements. 3) Concerning the possibility of enlargement of rush production, we may conclude that the farmers will enlarge it, because the cost of production will decrease and the agricultural income increase by its enlargement, but the labour demand competition between rice-transplantation and rush reaping is a bottle neck of the enlargement of rush production.(1)第一に藺草及畳表の生産費が経営規模別に如何なる差異を示してゐるか. 第二に藺草と競合作物との関係. 作付場大の可能性とその障碍点を明らか匠する為に本調査を行つた. (2)規模別生産費は純費用のみについては明かに上暦規模なるに従りて逓減してゐる. 之は労働費用の多少に原因してゐることが明らかであり, この労働費用は労働手段の所有の多少に原因してゐることが認められた. (3)農業所得噌大, 藺草生産費切下げ, 畳表生産費切下げの三点より藺草は作付拡大の可能性を有してゐるととが明かになつたが尚その可能性を実現出来ぬ隙路として藺草の刈取りと水稻作付の労働競合問題がある.
- 九州大学の論文