15V-3Cr-3Al-3Sn チタン合金板の圧延・析出・再結晶集合組織
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A hot rolled metastable β phase 15V-3Cr-3Al-3Sn titanium alloy plate was cold rolled to 90% reduction. The sheet was aged prior to recrystallzation, recrystallization annealed, and aged after recrystallization. Crystallographic textures of both α and β phases were followed during the process by a pole figure method. Both cold rolling and recrystallization textures of the β phase are similar to those of α-iron treated similarly. Effects of the precipitation ageings on recrystallization textures are not observed in the experimental conditions applied. There are orientations derived from β mother orientations through Burgers' lattice relationship in the textures of the α phase precipitated in the cold worked matrix, which vary a little with ageing temperatures. A comparison of the present results of α phase texture with those reported on hot rolled α and α+β titanium alloys suggest that the textures of α phase in hot rolled sheets are affected by a selection of variants of the lattice relationship characteristic of the phase transformation during plastic working. A texture of α phase precipitated in recrystallized β matrix coincides qualitatively with orientations derived through Burgers' relation without variants selection. The results indicate that a majority of α phase precipitated in both cold worked and recrystallized matrices is so-called orientation related type 1α.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1989-12-01
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