メルツベーレンス型 200t 平炉の築造と操業について
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As it was necessary for the Wakayama Works of Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. to increase the steel production in order to accomplish the extension program of the steel plant, it was planned to extend the furnace capacity from four 100-ton furnaces into two 100-ton and two 200-ton furnaces, and to build an oxygen producer to increase the production for the more use of oxygen for steel-making. It should be emphasized that in the case of increasing the amount of oxygen the furnace bricks might be severely damaged, and the regenerator would be shut off by flue dusts. In this point of view, by adapting a Maerz-Boelens-type for the 200-ton furnaces, some constructional points were revised in the following ways : The upper part of the furnace could be hanged off by a crane to shorten the repairing time, the wall construction was presumed to reduce the fire brick consumption, the regenerator was changed into a two-pass checker chamber, the opening of the first checker was widened to be able to deposit dusts at the bottom of the chamber, and dusts on the second checker which had narrower openings were arranged to be blown off by air or steam. Because the crane capacity for this extended facilities was lacked, the bifurcated spout was adopted to tap 200-ton heats into two ladles of 100-ton capacity. The constructional characteristics of the new furnace were described herein, and the furnace handling practice was discussed which was ascertained to be a successful operation for the cold charge which must be adopted until the blast furnace starts to work. The brick consumption attained was 6.8kg/t for the new furnaces.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1962-01-01
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