水酸化物分離, 酢酸アミル抽出, Oxine による比色 : 鉄鋼中のセリウムの定量法 II
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In the first paper, the authors reported Knorr'es method could be applied to determine Ce in the steel treated with Misch-metal added. In Knorre's method, however 1 m. gr. is the utmost limit to determinable Ce amounts, and it needs to get 5grs as sample from the steel containing 0.03%. Ce. If weights of sample from high grade stainless steel will reach to 5 grs., it will be very difficult to dissolve in sulphric acid solution and will be needed a long time to electrolyze. Investigatin, therefore, must be taken about colorimetry by which sample is enough of relatively small amounts and micro contents of Ce can be determined. About micro contents of Ce in stainless steel added Misch-metal during melting period, the authors carried out colorimetric determination with separating as follows : (i) All rare earth metals were separated as oxide by HF as reported in first paper. (ii) Oxide was dissolved with acid solution, then hydroxide precipitated, from which Ce (OH)_4 was separated with difference of PH and. CeO_2 was produced by heating. (iii) CeO_2 was dissolved again with acid solution, then pure CeO_2 was produced by HF separating. iv) Pure CeO_2 was dissolved with acid solution, extracted with amyle acetate, then carried out colorimetric determination with oxine.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1958-07-01
- 608 18Cr-3Al 系鋼の赤熱性に及ぼす酸化スケールの影響(耐熱鋼・耐熱合金, 性質, 日本鉄鋼協会第 102 回(秋季)講演大会)
- 25 鉄鋼中のセリウムの定量法 (II) : 水酸化物分離, 酢酸アミル抽出, Oxine による比色(製鋼, 第 55 回講演大会講演大要)
- 43 真空溶融法によるステンレス鋼中の酸素定量について(分析, 日本鉄鋼協会第 61 回講演大会講演大要)
- 水酸化物分離, 酢酸アミル抽出, Oxine による比色 : 鉄鋼中のセリウムの定量法 II
- Knorre 氏法の適用性について : 鉄鋼中のセリウムの定量法 I
- 24 鉄鋼中のセリウムの定量法(1) : Knorre 氏法の適用について(製鋼, 第 55 回講演大会講演大要)