軟鋼の歪時効硬化問題の解説 (I)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The strain-age-hardening problem of the mild steel is as important in practice as in laboratory. The yield-point-jog appears in ordinary mild steel, its disappearance of after cold work and its reappearance on aging after cold work are the typical characters of this problem. Therefore, a great deal has been investigated on this problem and recently interest has been increased by the confirmations that the both C-& N-atoms in the mild steel play a leading role in this phenomena and aging effects can be minimized by a drastic deoxidation. In this paper, the author will try to introduce the representative three theories about the problem, that is, the skelton theory, the transformation theory and the dislocation theory.
- 1950-11-25
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- 軟鋼の歪時効硬化問題の解説 (II)
- 軟鋼の歪時効硬化問題の解説 (I)