- 論文の詳細を見る
Clad steel sheet is formed by cladding different metals and used for the functional material, which has convenient characteristics of each metal. Especially, a lot of stainless steel/aluminum clad strip is produced for electromagnetic rice cookers which are in demand because of the higher thermal conductivity, having magnetism and corrosion resistance. For the demand, continuous cladding technology of the wide width stainless steel/aluminum strip has been developed by warm rolling after the rapid heating process. Recently, much higher uniformity for peeling strength is required as the market grows. So, a new heating process, in which uniform heat generation is achieved by the electric resistance of metals and the directly applied current, is developed in place of the conventional process of induction heating. After solving some technical problems about sparks and temperature uniformity, direct resistance heating equipment have installed in the manufacturing line. As the result, high-quality clad steel sheets, which have the uniform peeling strength, can be produced by the improvement of temperature deflection on rolling.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
米満 善久
住友金属工業( 株)ステンレス・チタンプロジェクト推進部
井坂 和実
住友金属工業(株) 総合技術研究所
岩崎 信吾
浜田 幸一
土居 大治
井坂 和実
井坂 和実
住友金属工業(株 )総合技術研究所
浜田 幸一
住友金属工業 総技研
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