- 論文の詳細を見る
The frequency of stump decay in precommercial thinning stumps of Japanese larch CLarix kaempferi Carr.) was investigated at plantations in the Hokkaido Experimental Station of Kyushu University Forests. The examined stump were 17-, 24-,31-,38- and 41- year-old, and varied to upper, middle and lower slope positions. Stump infection by Phaeolusschuieinitziiand Sparassis crispa were abundant in this survey, and observed fruit body in an advanced stage. On the basis of examination of stumps, root decay or stain was found in more than 40 % of 2,126 stumps. The occurrence and intensity of wood-rotting fungi were found to increase with tree age. The ratio of stump damage was higher in moist zones than dry one.九州大学北海道演習林に植栽されているカラマツ根株の腐朽菌による侵害について検討した.調査したカラマツの林齢は17,24,31,38,41年生で,それぞれ尾根,中腹,沢筋に分けて観察した.カラマツの根株にはカイメンタケ,ハナビラタケによる侵害が多くみられ,腐朽が進んだものでは子実体の着生が観察された.調査した2126本の根株のうち約40%で木材腐朽菌による侵害が認められ,侵害割合は高年次林分になるほど高くなった.沢筋に植栽されたカラマツで侵害割合が高くなった.
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