ソリッドモデラの問題点と「曲面立体共存モデラ」の開発 : 素形材とその金型への適応
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This paper describes the development of a "surface and solid modeler", which enables impression modelling of casting and forging dies effectively in practice. A solid modeler can deal with solids effectively, but cannot deal with surfaces. So it has weakness in embedding surfaces into a solid, filleting and giving a draft-angle to a solid. The system developed by authors represents solids and composite surfaces in the identical data structurer based on "surface and solid model", and can perform operations not only between solids but also between a solid and a composite surface.
- 公益社団法人精密工学会の論文
- 1990-11-05
- 次世代型高知能金型加工システムの開発・実証 (特集 型技術の進化がモノづくりを変える!!) -- (型技術の進化を後押しするデジタルマイスタープロジェクト)
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- ソリッドモデラの問題点と「曲面立体共存モデラ」の開発 : 素形材とその金型への適応