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Mark E.Wojcik, ed., The Quest for Harmony:A Pictorial History of Law and Justice in the Republic of Palau, Koror, Palau:Palau Supreme Court, 1995.
Hew Strachan, 『The First World War, Volume I: To Arms』, Oxford University Press, 2001, 1227 pages, index, maps, no photos
Bruce G. Karolle, Confrontation in the Pacific : The Guam Teachers' Strike of 1981, Honoka'a, Hawaii : Illuminations, David Becker Printer, box 1800, Honoka'a, HI 96727, Paperback, $30.00, photos
Forrest E. Morgan, 『Compellence and the Strategic Culture of Imperial Japan; Implications for Coercive Diplomacy in the Twenty-First Century』, Praeger Publishers, 88 Post Road West, Westport, Connecticut 06881, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003
Augusto V. de Viana, In the Far Islands; The Role of Natives from the Philippines in the Conquest, Colonization, and Repopulation of the Mariana Islands, 1668-1903, Manila : University of Santo Tomas Press, 2004.
Pohnpei:An Ecotourist's Delight by Jane Gallen and illustrated by Rosendo Alex.The Nature Conservatory, 1996, 65 pages, soft cover.English and Japanese versions.
Ooi Keat Gin, Japanese Empire in the Tropics; Selected Documents and Reports of the Japanese period in Sarawak, Northwest Borneo, 1941-1945, Volumes 1 and 2, Athens, Ohio : Center for International Studies, monograph No.101, 1998.
Harvey Gordon Segal, Kosrae; The Sleeping Lady Awakens, Kosrae State, Kosrae Print Ship, second printing 1995.
The Economy of Fiji; Supporting Private Investment, International Development Issues No.40, Australian Agency for International Development Information Center, Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia
Donald T.Giles, Jr., ed., Captive of the Rising Sun;The POW Memories of Rear Admiral Donald T.Giles, USN, Annapolis:Naval Institute Press, 1994.
Stephen Henningham, The Pacific lsland States;Security and Sovereignty in the Post-Cold War World, New York:St.Martin's Press, 1955.
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, ESCAP, Added Years of Life in Asia; Current Situation and Future Challenges, Asian Population Studies Series No.141, Bangkok, Thailand, 1996. 209 pages, pb.
Holly M. Barker, Bravo for the Marshallese : Regaining Control in a Post-Nuclear, Post-Colonial World, Belmont, California : Thompson Learning Resource Center, 2004
Conrad Totman, The Green Archipelago; Forestry in Pre-Industrial Japan, Athens, Ohio : Ohio University Press, 1998. Paperback, $21.95US, 297 pages; bibliography and index, with maps and figures.
The New Freely-Associated States in Micronesia and Their Political Relations with Other Nations
Susan Whittield, Life Along the Silk Road, Berkeley, California : University of California Press, 1999, 242 pages with illustrations and index.
Joseph A.Gagliano and Charles E.Ronan, S.J.eds.Jesuit Encounters in the New World : Jesuit Chroniclers, Geographers, Educators, and Missionaries in the Americas, 1549 to 1767, Rome, Italy : Insititutum Historicum S.I., 1997, 335 pages, with maps and index
Garrett Hongo, Volcano; A Memoir of Hawaii, New York, Knopf, 1995, 342 Pages, $24.00
Sterling Seagrave, Lords of the Rim; The lnvisible Empire of the Overseas Chinese, New York, Putnam's Sons, 1995, 354 pages, $27.50.
Papua New Guinea;The Role of Government in Economic Development, Australian International Development Assistance Bureau, International Development Issues Publication No.13, Economic Insights Pty Ltd, June 1994.
D.Colt Denfeld, Hold the Marianas; The Japanese Defense of the Islands: Shippensburg, Pennsylvania: White Mane Publishing Company, Inc., 1997, 250 pages.
Ronald Duncan, Melanesian Forestry Sector Study, International Development Issues No.36, Canberra, Australia:Australian International Development Assistance Bureau, 1994, 30 pages, paper-back.
Reference Map of Oceania; The Pacific lslands of Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia, cartography by James A. Bier, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1995.
Akhil Gupta and James Ferguson, eds., Anthropological Locations; Boundries and Grounds of a Field Science, Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1997, paperback, 283 pages.
A voyage Around the World With the Romanzov Exploring Expedition in the Years 1815 to 1818, in the Brig "Rurik, " Captain Otto von Kotzebue, Adelbert von Chamisso, translated and edited by Henry Kratz.
Ian C.Campbell, A History of the Pacific Islands, Berkeley and Los Angeles: The University of California Press, 1989.
Dr.William Peck, A Tidy Universe of Islands, Honolulu, Hawaii: Mutual Publishing, 1127 Eleventh Avenue, Honolulu 96816, 292 pages.
A Buccaneer's Atlas;Basil Ringrose's South Sea Waggonner edited by Derek Howse and Norman J.W.Thrower, University of California Press, 1992, 326 pages, 110 illustrations, $75.00.
James H.Hallas, The Devil's Anvil; The Assault on Peleliu, West-port, Conecticut: Praeger, 1994, 297 pages, hardcover, maps and photos.
T.J. Jayaraman, Private Investment and Macroeconomic Environment in the South Pacific Island Countries: A Cross-Country Analysis, Asian Development Bank, Economic and Development Resource Center, Occasional Paper #14, Manila, Philippines, 1996.
Ben Finney, Voyage of Rediscovery, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994, $30.00US, hardcover.
Aoyagi Machiko, Modekngei; A New Religion in Belau, Micronesia, Tokyo : Shinsensha Press, 2002, 379 pages.
Donald R. Shuster, 『Roman Tmetuchl: A Palauan Visionary』, Koror, Palau: Roman Tmetuchl Family Trust, 2002, 208 pages, $50.00
Linn, Brian McAllister, Guardian of Empire: The U.S. Army and the Pacific, 1902-1949, Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, 1997.
E. Robert Statham, Jr., Colonial Constitutionalism; The Tyranny of United States' Offshore Territorial Policy and Relations, New York : Lexington Books, 2002, 159 pages