高速精密切断法に関する研究(第2報) : 被削性に及ぼす工具の影響
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The machinability of high speed fine cutting-off method is experimentally investigated especially about the cutting temperature distribution of circular saw and the tool life. The following results are derived : (1) In the early stage of the service, the wear of blade edge makes steady progress, however, it does not decrease the machinability and the condition of blade edge go on with the stable state. (2) The radial rake angle and the back clearance angle of saw blade do not have much effects on the machinability due to the very small depth of cut. (3) There is a lower limited feed force under which cutting is impossible. (4) The increase of number of simultaneous cutting blade improves cutting efficiency, therefore it is profitable to use a small circular pitch. (5) The cutting temperature is lower than that in cutting-off grinding wheel. The temperature distribution of the circular saw are solved by the finite element method. The temperature at the position of dedendum from the blade edge drops to half of that at blade edges. (6) Both the depth of hardened layer and degenerated layer under the cut surface are shallow. (7) Roughness of cut surface by the circular saw is as smooth as one by a cutting-off grinding wheel.
- 社団法人精密工学会の論文
- 1985-04-05
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