- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper describes a representative of moire fringe on the automatic 3-dimensional measurement system by moire topography. In the automatic processing, since moire fringe is the obscure fringe, the definition of the representative of moire fringe is an onerous problem. Fomerly, this problem has not been solved sufficiently. Therefore, in this paper, by comparing the edges of the logically two valued picture of moire fringe with the points providing the precise values of the intersections of two gratings in accordance with the principle of moire topography, the relevance and the usefulness of the edges as the representative of scanning moire fringe is discussed. In the result, it is suggested that these edges are the useful representative of moire fringe. Furthermore, by using the phase difference of these edges, a method of uphill or downhill judgement is indicated too. Then, this method is able to deal with the complex configuration for instance the bifurcate or the circular moire fringe.
- 公益社団法人精密工学会の論文
- 1985-03-05
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