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Few research works have been reported so far on the tightening of bolted joints by means of successive impacts, whereas the impact-wrenching is one of the most practical methods for the tightening of bolted joints. The process of the tightening of bolted joints by means of the swinging hammer is analysed and the theoretical results are compared with the experimental data. The substantial agreements between the theory and the experiment are confirmed. The results are summarized as follows. (1) The clamping force by an impact of the swinging hammer is concerned in the square root of the available energy of the ham-mer. (2) The increase of clamping force by an impact depends not only on the available energy of the hammer but also the existing clamping force just before the impact and the stiffnesses of the bolt and the clamped parts. (3) The clamping force by successive n impacts is proportional to √<n>・F_1,where F_1 is the initial clamping force.
- 公益社団法人精密工学会の論文
- 1983-03-05
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