唐初期唯識思想における<大乗>の把捉: 種性説との関わりから
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The doctrine of the Yogacara Buddhism is based on the theory of the five mutually distinctive nature of beings. Accordingly, it is generally understood that the Faxiang法相school, the Yogacara Buddhism in China, is critical of One-vehicle teachings in Buddhist sUtras, and regards those as nothing but expedient teachings for encouraging a part of the five groups, the indeterminate group whose members possess inherently in their inner seeds plural kinds of potential to attain the goals of the 6r面vαhα, the prαtソehαbud(ihα, and the bodhisαttvα. Contrarily, other schools that advocate all beings are able to attain Buddhahood think of Three-vehicles teachings, authorities of theYogacara doctrine, as nothing but expedients. However, we see passages that Ji基who is a founder of the Faxiang school apPreciates that the One-vehicle teachings all beings enjoy the benefit of are worth the True One Vehicle in his works such as the the Dαsheng faNuαn yilin zhαng大乗法苑義林章, the Miaofa lianhua jing xuanzan妙法蓮華経玄賛, and so forth. Re-examination of Ji's ideas leads to the conclusion that he treasures the Mαhdyanαsignificance in all beings and affirms the One-vehicle thought in accordance with the theory of the five gotras. In this paper, we also re-examine Woncheuk's円測descriptions in his Jie shenmi jing shu解深密経疏.
- 学習院大学の論文
- 2005-03-00