P13. Gully development process in gneiss drainage basins near Seoul, Korea
P14. Sediment discharge in granite and gneiss drainage basins near Seoul, Korea
Preface : Rock Control in Geomorphological Processes(Rock Control in Geomorphological Process)
7. Slope stability and characteristic of shallow landslide occurred in granite hillslope near Gangneung, Korea
Runoff generation mechanism in semiarid Mongolia catchments(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Union in June 2006 at Mongolia)
Determining soil erosion history and processes using fallout radionuclides in semiarid grassland, Mongolia(2)(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Union in June 2006 at Mongolia)
Determining soil erosion history and processes using fallout radionuclides in semiarid grassland, Mongolia(1)(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Union in June 2006 at Mongolia)
Formative processes of dissected palaeo pediment in western Korean Peninsula(Poster session,Abstracts of the Taiwan and Japan Joint Symposium: "Geomorphological Hazards and Management" held on 17-18 March, 2008, at Taipei)
P2. Characteristics of Alluvial Fans in the Korean Peninsula(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Fall Meeting of the Union, December 2004)
P13. Gully development process in gneiss drainage basins near Seoul, Korea
Rainfall runoff characteristics of gneiss mountainous catchment in Kyunggi-Do, Korea(Papers Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Union, May, 2003)