Logarithmic truth-table reductions and minimum sizes of forcing conditions : preliminary draft (Proof Theory and Computation Theory)
- ランダムなビット列における連 (証明論と論理・計算の構造)
- 2階算術と有界選択公理 (2階算術の諸体系の研究)
- Failure of the uniqueness of eigen-distribution on random assignments for game trees (Formal Systems and Computality Theory)
- ランダム性をもったゲーム木を読み切るコストの期待値 (形式体系と計算理論)
- Truth-table reductions and minimum sizes of forcing conditions : preliminary draft(Proof Theory of Arithmetic)
- Logarithmic truth-table reductions and minimum sizes of forcing conditions : preliminary draft (Proof Theory and Computation Theory)
- Reverse Mathematics and weak second-order systems of 0-1 strings
- II$_\infty^0$-BCT の保存性について(証明論における順序数)
- 手描き曲線からの乱数抽出とそのセマンティクス : 中間報告 (証明論と計算論)
- On Splitting Numbers(Mathematical Logic and Applications'92)