PHCとバイオエシックスの4原則の比較(第6回日本生命倫理学会年次大会分科会「比較文化思想とバイオエシックス」発表 : 原著)
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WHO (World Health Organization) and UNICEF (United Nation International Children's Fund) declared the concept of PHC (Primary Health Care) in 1978. PHC aims for health for all by the year 2000,which included both developing and developed countries. In 1979,Dr. Kaprio of Europian regional office of WHO summarized the concept of PHC into four principles, such as needs oriented, community participation, maximum use of resources, and coordination/integration. These principles are useful for their university accepted and experince-based law of health activities. In Kennedy institute of ethics, Georgetown university, four principles of health care ethics has been developed from 1978,such as beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy, and justice. They are widely accepted as a foundation of bioethics which include multi-disciplines of medicine, philosophy, law, and religion. Two sets of principles appeared in almost same time from different regions and they are similar in their ideal, principle-based approarch. To cope with current issues of community health, it is important to have dual sights from both PHC and bioethics, considering our basis of eastern philosophy.
- 1995-04-30
- プライマリ・ヘルス・ケアと生命倫理 : 結核国際研修とアジア・エイズ研修を例として
- PHCとバイオエシックスの4原則の比較(第6回日本生命倫理学会年次大会分科会「比較文化思想とバイオエシックス」発表 : 原著)
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