中国における階級区分論の生成 : 毛沢東研究序説
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The two articles by Mao Tse-Tung entitled respectively "An analysis of social classes in China" and "Studies and reports on farmers' movements in Shonan" constitute the first two chapters of The Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung and are generally considered masterpieces of social analysis and essential to the study of class divisions in China. Dr. B. Schwartz of Harvard University, for example, attaches considerable importance to these articles in his Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao. It must be noted, however, that these articles as printed in The Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung are considerably different from their original texts which I happened to discover, and that it would be a grave mistake to assume that these articles as they stand in The Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung represent faithfully the original intentions and ideas of Mao Tse-Tung. The primary purpose of the present paper is, therefore, to inquire into the nature and meaning of the revisions by subjecting the two versions to careful textual analysis. The secondary purpose of the present paper is to analyze Mao Tse-Tung's ideas and opinions on class divisions in China and to set them in an adequately organized historical perspective. The analysis of Mao Tse-Tung's ideas and opinions on class divisions in China was made possible by the discovery of the numerous articles Mao Tse-Tung had published prior to the two articles mentioned above, and the establishment of the historical perspective by analyzing and arranging various discussions on class divisions published prior to the advent of Mao Tse-Tung.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1964-08-30
- 加々美光行編, 『現代中国の挫折-文化大革命の省察』, (アジア経済研究所), 1985年3月刊, B5判, 355頁, 3800円
- 『毛沢東選集』の歴史的役割 : 私の毛沢東研究(毛沢東生誕90周年記念)
- ウイリアム・ヒントン著, 加藤祐三・春名徹・加藤幹雄・吉川勇一訳, 『翻 身』I・II, Iは昭和四七年十月、IIは同十一月、平凡社刊、Iは四八一頁、IIは五一七頁
- 守本順一郎著, 東洋政治思想史研究, (未来社刊)
- 中国における階級区分論の生成 (二) : 毛沢東研究序説
- 中国における階級区分論の生成 : 毛沢東研究序説
- 中國におけるヨーマンギルドの構造 (下) : 小商品生産段階における歴史的役割
- 根岸佶著, 「中國のギルド」
- 中國に於けるヨーマンギルドの構造 (上) : 小商品生産段階における歴史的役割
- 唐代封爵制拾遺
- 高麗賦役考覈 (三・完)
- 高麗賦役考覈 (二)
- 高麗賦役考覈 (一)
- 清代のギルドマーチャントの一研究 : 内蒙古朝陽村の調査 (内田直作名誉教授古稀記念号)