第一次世界大戦後イギリスの対インド鉄道政策の転換過程とインド・ナショナリズム : 鉄道建設・経営主体及び鉄道財政分離問題を中心にして
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Significant changes occurred in British policy towards Indian railways after World War I. Of first importance is the special nature of British investment in the railways. As the capital of the railways was invested in India through the accounts of the Secretary of State for India, the railway companies came under the Secretary's control. But this system attracted the criticism of Indian Nationalists during World War I. Second to be mentioned is the role of the Acworth Committee on policy towards the railways. In 1920 this recommended the abolition of the railway companies with their head offices in Britain and the separation of railway finance from general finance. Finally in 1921 the British and Indian governments clashed with the Indian Legislative Assembly over the control of railway construction and management and the contribution of the railways to general government finance. Eventually the former gave way to the demands of the latter. In the eyes of the two governments, the home charges which were the financial basis of Indian rule had been secured; on the other hand, the Nationalists had been able to establish a truly Indian railway system.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1999-11-25
- D・R・ヘッドリク著(原田勝正・多田博一・老川慶喜・濱文章訳), 『進歩の触手-帝国主義時代の技術移転-』, 日本経済評論社, 2005年2月, vii+397頁, 4,725円
- 第一次世界大戦後イギリスの対インド鉄道政策の転換過程とインド・ナショナリズム : 鉄道建設・経営主体及び鉄道財政分離問題を中心にして
- 北川勝彦編, 『脱植民地化とイギリス帝国』, ミネルヴァ書房, 2009年6月, 440+xvi頁, 3,990円
- ディヴィッド・アーミテイジ著, 平田雅博・岩井淳・大西晴樹・井藤早織訳, 『帝国の誕生-ブリテン帝国のイデオロギー的起源-』, 日本経済評論社, 2005年6月, xii+297頁, 3,570円