オスマン帝国の専売制と一八三八年通商条約 : トルコ・アヘンの専売制(一八二八〜一八三九年)を事例として
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The year of 1838, in which the Anglo-Ottoman convention was signed, has been regarded as a watershed in Ottoman economic history. The convention itself has been termed a free trade treaty which opened the Ottoman market by abolishing the internal trade obstacles of the empire. However, one of the problems of this general view is that this assessment is not based on an examination of the actual state of commerce in the period before 1838. The aim of this paper is to re-examine the significance of the convention for the Ottoman Empire by focusing on Yed-i Vahid, the Ottoman monopoly system, which was one of the convention's main targets. In examining the Ottoman monopoly, this paper traces the case of Turkish opium, one of the main exports of the empire in the nineteenth century. Following the rise in opium exports triggered by growing demand in China, in 1828 the Ottoman government imposed a monopoly to control the trade, and to raise customs revenue. The aim of the monopoly system was not to protect the market, but to maximize state customs revenues. In other words, it was the outcome of a rise in trade. Monopolies were later applied to several other export commodities, but in most cases were not successful. By the time Britain sought the abolition of the system, it was in practice only with regard to opium. From this analysis of the nature of the Ottoman monopoly and the reasons for its introduction and abolition, it can be concluded that the convention of 1838 did not signify the abandonment of protectionism and therefore the opening of the Ottoman market. In fact, the convention was the product of a previous rise in trade which further promoted this trend rather than being its initial impetus.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1998-09-25
- オスマン帝国の専売制と一八三八年通商条約 : トルコ・アヘンの専売制(一八二八〜一八三九年)を事例として
- 近現代(西アジア・北アフリカ,2005年の歴史学界-回顧と展望-)
- ジョン・トーピー著, 藤川隆男監訳, 『パスポートの発明-監視・シティズンシップ・国家-』, 法政大学出版局, 2008年12月, xx+324頁, 3,360円