- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper considers several issues relating to a mortality crisis. First, it examines crisis mortality in the area of Japan formerly known as Mutsu, the broad region which encompassed the present-day prefectures of Aomori, Iwate and Miyagi, on the basis of death registers. Next, the population registers from one of the villages (a farming and forestry community named Okago) are analyzed in detail for mortality and fertility trends during the period 1830-1845, which was chosen for its comparatively complete set of records and for the high mortality rates which occurred at the time (more than 200 per thousand in 1837). Finally, the conception records for Okago village during the mid-19th century (1844-1862) are examined to make clear the seasonal cyclic pattern of conceptions and births, in comparison with data for a western Japanese farm village, Minamisakura in Shiga Prefecture. The data for this study was drawn from the village records known in Japanese as the kako cho (KC : death record). the shumon aratame cho (SAC : population register), and the kainin aratame cho (KAC : conception and birth record). Further information on the characteristics and usefulness (including incompleteness) of the SAC material can be found in the works of R. J. and T. C. Smith, or L. L. Cornell and A. Hayami. The KCs were necrologies kept by the Buddhist temples of the danka, the families associated with the temple; the KC data comes from previously published sources as well from sources discovered by the author. The KACs were village registers kept by akago seidoyaku of the Sendai clan (han), officials from the upper class peasantry who recorded conceptions, births, and follow-up data.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1996-01-25
- 古代人の死・葬送の儀礼
- 漁家住宅・住まいの生活文化-直系家族と住居- (漁村計画における固有性と普遍性,昭和58年度日本建築学会大会(北陸))
- 近世東北地方農民家族の世代的再生産と人口の構造 : 「宗門人数改帳」をもちいた事例研究
- K.ホプキンス, M.レッツ:「古代ローマ人と死」(「死と再生」第4章7説)
- K.ホプキンス,M.レッツ:「古代ローマ人と死」 (「死と再生」第4章5,6節)
- 一九世紀東北日本の「死亡危機」と出生力
- 17世紀中期の人口・住民移動調査 : 仙台藩・初期「人数改帳」の年次特定