- 論文の詳細を見る
By comparison with the amount of research on population mobility between town and country, relatively little work has been done on the urban population turnover in pre-industrial England. This article examines the turnover of households and the social composition of St. Peter's of Mancroft, a parish in late seventeenth-century Norwich. It compares two hearth tax returns of 1666 and 1671 in order to measure the turnover rate, and uses the register of freemen of the city to identify households which appear in the hearth tax return of 1666, and consider how such variables as wealth, occupation, sex, and freeman status affected the turnover of households. Of the 168 households which paid hearth tax in 1666, 64 per cent were still in the parish in 1671. This suggests that the city had a stable population. But few households remained in the city for over two generations. Of the variables which affected population turnover, wealth was the most important. The rich households were more stable than the poor. But the other independent variables also affected the turnover. Relatively wealthy worsted weavers were less stable than the others. Male householders were more stable than female ones. And those who were admitted to the freedom of the city were more stable than those not admitted. Overall, relatively wealthy freemen were more stable than non-freemen. In conclusion, it seems clear that population turnover should be linked to the wider socio-economic situation in which households lived. There were two kinds of household in the city : stable ones and mobile ones. This finding calls for further investigations into the social relations of town residents.
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