会社の貿易から個人の貿易へ : 十八世紀日蘭貿易の変貌
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Private trade had been carried on steadily through agents, naitsuji, ever since the Dutch had settled on Deshima. But in the first decade of the eighteenth century, the company's servants did not find such private trade very profitable. Using Dutch records, the author analysed the general decline imports of basic commodities and the way in which the company met the orders of the Nagasaki kaisho, maximizing profits while keeping overall trade within the quota limits. Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune encouraged the development of 'Dutch learning'. During his reign, the general ban of possession of Dutch books was removed. The Dutch enjoyed greater freedom both in Edo and Nagasaki, which gave them better opportunities both private trade and smuggling. From the latter half of the 1730s, while the trade volume of the company decreased sharply, private trade seems to have flourished. In the late eighteenth century, the time of Tanuma Okitsugu, the overall improvement in living standards and the diversification of popular culture encouraged a new demand for luxury goods, and particularly a taste for exotica. This caused an increase in imports of all things Dutch and 'Hollandophiles' appeared. In the social and cultural climate of this era, the company's servants must have found many openings for private trade. Throughout the eighteenth century, Japan had been achieving sself-sufficiency in all the basic commodities. The emergence of domestic import substitutes clearly made the company's trade less profitable. However, the emergence of a rich merchant class led to an ever-increasing demand for a variety of luxury goods and novelties from Europe which allowed private trade to flourish.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1994-09-25
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- 会社の貿易から個人の貿易へ : 十八世紀日蘭貿易の変貌
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