クルップ鋳鋼所における工場マイスター制の展開 一八五〇〜一八七〇年
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In the latter half of the 19th century, the industrial relations in German big heavy industry companies were stable, although the labour movement was growing rapidly. The previous research tends to point out, as the reason for this situation, the despotic character of the management of the big companies. The Factory-Meister, which was named after the traditional Handwerker-Meister, but formed to meet the new discipline of the factories, were said to be the end-actor to realize the despotism. The purpose of this paper is to examine in this context the real relations between the entrepreneur, Meister and the workers in the Fried. Krupp Co. which was one of the biggest companies at that time, and also was famous for the word of the entrepreneur, Alfred KRUPP, 'Herr im Hause', symbolizing the despotism. With the enlargement of the factory in the 1850s, the competence of the Factory-Meister was getting larger. The Meisters were to arrange all things at the shopfloor and also had much influence on the workers' labour conditions. But it can be pointed out that the Meisters were rather near the workers, and often represented their workers' interests. Alfred KRUPP wanted Meisters to become good managers at the same time, and he appointed some Meisters to Werksfuhrer as upper supervisors. But his effort didnot effectively succeed in the 1860s, because further enlargement of the factory and an increase of the technological staff, which were due to be competitive enough in the market, have required more hierachical management. Thus the Meisters remained rather in the shopfloor with the workers, apart from the managerial and technological upper hierarchy. This may be one of the elements for the success in integrating the workers in the company. This implies that not the despotism but the Meister-worker relation had an important role to industrial relations of the German big companies.
- 1992-09-25
- ドイツ大企業におけるキャリア形成 : 第一次大戦前のクルップ社にみる「徒弟」から「取締役」まで
- 1870年代のクルップ社における企業=地域共同体化政策の展開
- クルップ鋳鋼所における工場マイスター制の展開 一八五〇〜一八七〇年
- 今久保幸生著, 『一九世紀末ドイツの工場』, (有斐閣, 一九九五年六月, 六二五頁, 八、七五三円(本体八、五〇〇円))
- アラブにおける「市場」と「資本主義」の亀裂 : イエメン社会を事例として
- はじめに
- ダイムラー・ベンツ社賃金明細書の解読 (2) : 給与明細書から見るドイツ社会
- ダイムラー・ベンツ社賃金明細書の解読 (1) : 給与明細書から見るドイツ社会
- 山井敏章著, 『ドイツ初期労働者運動史研究 : 協同組合の時代』, 未来社、一九九三年三月、三六八+頁、七七二五円
- ドイツ大企業の人材育成‥‥その歴史的展開(研究会(2) 2003年9月27日, III 研究会の部, インターンシップ研究の展望と課題I)
- 太田和宏著, 『家父長制の歴史構造-近代ドイツの労務管理と社会政策-』, ミネルヴァ書房, 1996年, 333頁+v頁