清代の地域社会と移住宗族 : 四川省雲陽〓氏の軌跡
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Under the Qing dynasty, there were many people who emigrated from some Advanced provinces, especially Hubei and Human into Sichuan province. The major concern of this paper is to make clear the process of organizing stable system in the immigrant society. To approach this issue, I intend to investigate the matrimonial alliances of the Tu lineage in Yunyang country. In the Qianlong period, the Tu family emigrated from Hubei province to Yunyang country. After becoming a large landowner and local elite, the powerful segment of the Tu lineage formed a matrimonial alliance with the other local elites, the Wu lineage, the Peng lineage, the Xue lineage and so on. In the case of powerful segments, the matrimonial alliance was made repeatedly and led to their firm and continual alliance with local elites. But it was impossible for the humble segments to make an alliance in such ways. The humble segments only had a smaller circle of alliance, and they did not have regular allies. In the late Qing period, the matrimonial alliance between local elites had a great influence upon their own local administration.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1989-10-30
- 岸本美緒著, 『明清交替と江南社会-17世紀中国の秩序問題-』, 東京大学出版会, 1999年12月, 313頁, 5,600円
- 清代の地域社会と移住宗族 : 四川省雲陽〓氏の軌跡
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- 移住民社会と地域変動--四川省雲陽県における嘉慶白蓮教反乱
- 生成する地域・地域意識--清末中国の地方社会 (第四五回[歴史科学協議会]大会/世界史認識と東アジア2) -- (第二日目 東アジアにおける支配・統合と地域社会)
- 戦乱と記憶--『仕隠斎渉筆』に見る清末社会
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- 記憶される「地域」--丁治棠『仕隱齋渉筆』の世界
- 「紳糧」考--清代四川の地域エリ-ト