伏見酒造業の発展 (日本における酒造業の展開 : 近世から近代へ)
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Fushimi sake brewing industry has a long history of development. A rather rapid development of the industry can be seen from the Momoyama era through the early Edo era. However, the activity of breweries started to decline after that perod. Especially during the period of the Meiji Revolution, such a tendency became much apparent. The industry must have started a new era with great difficulties. However, it started to develop quite rapidly again in the 1890's and had become a fairly big and famous brewing area comparable to Nada by the 1910's. It is interesting that the Fushimi sake brewing industry could develop so well while the other brewing areas were generally declining. In this paper, I shall attempt to investigate the process of the industry's adjustment to the enviromental change in business activity and the causes of the rapid development. Having reviewed the history of the industry, we can point out two major features: an importance of the tradition peculiar to Fushimi, and the vigorous, and also resolute, entrepreneurial activities supported by this tradition. We can assert from our study that the following two points are more important to the rapid development of a traditional industry than its quick modernization often acconpanied by a radical change; (i) research in the predecessor's experience. (ii) utilization, without hesitation, on a large scale the fruits of modernization in the general economic acitivity such as development of the railway system and media of advertisement, domestic production of bottles, and so on.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1989-08-31
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- 伏見酒造業の発展 (日本における酒造業の展開 : 近世から近代へ)
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