明治前期北関東における諸営業の展開と諸階層 : 明治一三年、茨城県真壁郡飯塚村連合「地方税額報告書」を中心に
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This report analyses the market and production structure of one area around Makabe town, in Makabe district, Ibaragi Prefecture during 1877-1886. This area was the center of the Anti-Land Tax Reform Revolt in 1876. Also this area was the center of cotton weaving industries (Moka Cotton), which declined later due to the opening of the cotton market. Therefore a study of these areas somewhat indicates a typical pattern of development in the modernization of the Japanese domestic markets. In these areas many rice dealers and retailers became prosperous, in contrast to their counterparts in Makabe Town. Iron casting, Sake-brewing, Shoyu-brewing and milling industries developed simultaneously. The turnovers per business became equal to those of the advanced areas. This fact shows that the market formation in those areas was more developed than we expected. However, judging from the items, 32 % of turnovers concerned rice, so the industries in those areas might be called backward. By analysing the relation-ship between the turnovers and the scale of farms we found that the large scale business (more than 1,000 yen) derived from the ruling farmer class and from businessmen without land. Besides we found that middle class farmers were restricted to the cotton textiles industry, which stayed stagnant. The middle class farmers were the central figures of the revolt and were usually unsuccessful because their industrial background was weak. The reason why the revolt aborted at the initial stage is closely related to the size of their industry and its market.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1991-05-30
- 井奥成彦著, 『19世紀日本の商品生産と流通-農業・農産加工業の発展と地域市場-』, 日本経済評論社, 2006年2月, v+298頁, 6,090円
- 明治前期北関東における諸営業の展開と諸階層 : 明治一三年、茨城県真壁郡飯塚村連合「地方税額報告書」を中心に