近世初期の給人財政と知行制変質 : 豊前細川領について
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The fief system of Hosogawa, who entered the fiefs of Buzen Kokura in 1600 and Higo Kumamoto in 1623, was changed in 1680 from "local fiefs" (jikata chigyo) to "stored rice fiefs" (kuramai chigyo), and in 1683 changed back to local fiefs, then in 1713 to stored rice fiefs again. In the latter half of the 17thcentury, the change from local fiefs system to "retainer's stipend" (horoku) system not only occured in Hosogawa's estate, but can be widely seen in manyother daimyo estates. Until now, the reformation of the fief system, along with such points as the development of the economy, the village structure, the relationship between the Shogunate and feudal clans (han), has been seen as a major characteristic of the establishment of the Shogunate-feudal clan (bakuhan)system. In this paper, while basing on research already done, the situations previous to the developement of the horoku system are examined. For this, by looking at the financial situation of the vassals in the 1620s, the reconstruction plan thereof, and Hosogawa's countermeasures, I hope to give an account of the fief system reform from the point of view of the vassals.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1991-03-25
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