「大不況」克服期のイギリス羊毛工業と保護政策論 : 「チェンバレン・キャンペーン」の経済史的背景理解のために
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The British wool-textile industry in the late nineteenth century was one of the main sufferers from the impact of foreign tariff barriers. The exports of woollen and worsted goods, especially the mixed cotton warp fabrics on which the Bradford trade had expanded so vigorously earlier in the century, declined considerably both in volume and value. Associated with these growing difficulties in foreign trade, the attitude of wool-textile manufacturers towards the so-called "Fiscal Questions" had changed gradually from the convinced Free Traders to the Protectionists. In this paper the writer attempted to analyse the retaliatory proposals which were displayed by the woollen and worsted witnesses in the Report of the Tariff Commission (1905), and the conclusions are as follows. At the end of the nineteenth century a majority of the British wool-textile manufacturers supported some measure of tariff retaliation, thought they were not necessarily unanimous for their retaliatory intention. These retaliatory proposals can be classified into (a) proposal to regain the import duties, or more exactly to safeguard home and colonial markets and promote inter-imperial trade, and (b) proposal to regain the bargaining power, or rather as a weapon of lowering the protective tariffs of other nations. The former was advocated by the Bradford mixed worsted manufacturers, the latter by such trades as the Huddersfield fine worsted trade, the West of England woollen trade, the Scotch tweed trade, and the export merchants. Thus, these two types of retaliatory proposals lead necessarily to inconsistency because tariff protection and bargaining power were incompatible with each other. In this way we must conclude that although British wool-texilte manufacturers at the end of the nineteenth century departed far from their traditional Free Trade policy, they could not drive forward the Tariff Reform Novement effectively.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1973-02-25
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- 「大不況」克服期のイギリス羊毛工業と保護政策論 : 「チェンバレン・キャンペーン」の経済史的背景理解のために
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