- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently, two articles on the ancient German society were translated into Japanese: Max Weber, "Der Streit um den Charakter der altgermanischen Sozialverfassung in der deutschen Literatur des letzen Jahrzehnts," (1905) and H.Dannenbouer, "Adel, Burg und Herrschaft bei den Germanen," (1941). It is the purpose of this paper to state my view on the ancient German society through the comparison of above articles. At the present stage of controversy over the basic social structure of the ancient Germans, it is not important to argue whether we should accept the "Gemeinfreie" theory or the "Grundherr" theory. On this point, a pertinent conclusion was already given by Weber in the aforementioned article. It is, therefore, not correct to assume, though asserted by some scholars, that Dannenbauer tried to restore the simple "Grundherr" theory by laying stress on the aristocratic rule. What he did was to go back to the ancient German society in order to emphasize the origin of aristocracy which, until the French Revolution, existed throughout the European history. However, Dannenbauer did not mention the points emphasized by Weber: the actual operation of the egalitarian principle which had strong influence upon the ancient German society, and, accordingly, the system of field distribution among them. As a result, Dannenbauer's article tells us nothing about the basis of the common people's life. While agreeing with Dannenbauer on the emphasis upon the aristocratic rule, I think it is equally important to analyze the pattern of life among common people which substantiated the ruling. According to Weber, "It was not the position of Grundherr which brought power during the period when there was an abundance of land. On the contrary, it was the nobility of lineage which brought the control over land." Along with the recognition of Weber's statement, it seems necessary to clarify the reason why "Grundherrschaft" was established at a certain period in history-arround the 7th or 8th century, I assume. Considering that the analysis of the above process will put an end to the long controversy, I tried to appraise the meaning of my own study on the Frankish society in the 7th and 8th century.
- 1970-03-20
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