兵庫商社と維新政府の経済政策 (<社会経済史学会近畿部会サマー・シムポジウム>明治期における会社企業の発達)
- 論文の詳細を見る
From the establishment of the Meiji government, industrial and commercial policy encouraged the promotion of domestic industry. The policy was called Shokusan-kogyo Seisaku. Its origin, however, is found in the end of the Tokugawa era. The first modern company in Japan was the Hyogo Company founded in 1867. This company was organized to trade with foreign countries in accordance with the opening of Hyogo harbor, in April 1867. For this purpose a western style company was thought appropriate by the shogunate. The members of the company were the big merchants in Osaka and the brewers from the Nada district. They invested their money in the company and we can think of it as a partnership. Moreover, paper money (Hyogo-fuda) was issued. This paper money was to finance the promotion of foreign trade. With the breakup of the Shogunate, the company disappealed. The new Meiji government looking for sources of revenue came to depend on the merchants and money exchangers of Kyoto, Osaka and Tokyo. The sources of revenue were called Kaikei-Motodate-Kin and financed various new economic activities through the Shoho-ji. In this manner the Shoho-ji planned to promote home production and regulate domestic industries. We can consider it an original form of the modern company or joint stock enterprise under government leadership.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1969-06-20
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