製糸業の展開と地主制 (<共通論題>日本資本主義成立過程における移植産業と在来産業)
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This article aims to make clear the economic and social relationships between the landlord system of the Meiji period and the silk spinning industry which was one of the typical traditional industries since Edo period. In relating to finance, raw material and labour supply, my research in Yamanashi prefecture shows the following facts which are considered as the peculiality of the silk industry in the early Meiji period. 1) In the financial aspect, the industry could develop rather rapidly by introducing outside capital. But high interest rate of the day made the industry difficult to transit from the traditional into modern one. 2) It was the landlord who lent money the silk-raizing farmer and encouraged the silk-spinning industry. As the landlord involved more in the silk industry, it became to be placed under the pressure of the fluctuation of the silk trade. Thus, adverse trend in silk market put the landlord into financial difficulties and, in consequence, checked the modernization of the industry. 3) In relating to the labour supply, the industry mainly depended on the women labour recruitted from the poor tenant family. This situation delayed the industry to introduce the western type machines and blocked the raise of productivity.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1967-02-25
- 経済発展と民主主義 : 日本経済の70年
- 西田美昭著, 『近代日本農民運動史研究』, 東京大学出版会, 1997年, 321頁
- 製糸業の展開と地主制 (日本資本主義成立過程における移植産業と在来産業)
- 近現代 一 総論(日本,2006年の歴史学界-回顧と展望-)