- 論文の詳細を見る
At the biginning I have examined opinions of Dutch historians-R. Fruin, P. Geyl and J. W. Smit-on the party strife between the stats-party (Staatsgezinde) and the Orangists-party (Prinsgezinde) in the 17th and 18th centuries. Then I have introduced the thesis proposied by D. J. Roorda that not only parties but also factions played their parts in the history of the Republic and only by doing justice to the role of both parties and factions the onesided and anachronistic handling of the old schematic party-contrasts in the Republic can be avoided. I agree with his thesis. From the view-point of economic and social structure there was no difference between period with and period without a stadhouder. Both were the period of the regenten-dictatership. So I have made study on the social and economic conditions of the regenten-class. In the latter parts I gave an outline of the economic positions of W. Usselincx and P. de la Court who defended the interest of industry against the regenten-class.
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