- 論文の詳細を見る
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the three types of the market structure of industry were found in the southern states of New England. They were based upon the different structure of the social division of lobor 1) The inhabitants of the coast towns along the Massachucetts Bay and the towns of Banstable, Dukes and Nantucket Counties, Mass. were supported by means of the coasting commerce, fishing, whaling and trafiek (i.e. shipbuilding, distillation of rum, sugar-refining, manufactures of cordage, sail-cloth and plate-glass, and evaporation of salt from sea-water). The similar structure was found in the towns along the shore of Long Island Sound and in Bristol and Newport Counties, R. I. on Narragansett Bay. This pattern of market growth seems to have declined in the process of the development of the modern industrial capitalism during the first half of the nineteenth century. 2) "The combined manufacturing and commercial interest" were found in the river towns of the Connecticut Valley, and the towns of Washington, Kent and Providence Counties, R.I. In other words, we find considerable cotton, woolen and metal industries as well as the extensive coasting trade and maritime industries. These towns have become the principal centre of the cotton, woolen and metal industries even after the coasting trade and trafiek had declined. 3) There were many inland towns in this region which contained a large percentage of non-agricultural elements. Intermingled with these towns, there were also many others which were more agricultural. These artisans of diverse kinds in inland towns exchanged goods with other members of the community. Many of them were farmer-artisans and had a tendency to self-sufficiency. The majolity of the articles were either consumed in the family which produceed them or disposed of within the community. The local market areas were assumed to have spread and developed into the wider market areas. These inland villages developed into industrial towns and cities. Then the development of local market accompanied the decay and break-up of interlocal marketing system of large seaports. Thus the reductions of foreign trade and maritime industries and the rise of cotton industry brought the shift of prosperity from eastern seaports to small inland industrial and marketing centres. And we may conclude that it was the change of >>Trager<< from the carrying merchants to inland specialized class in industry.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1966-08-25
- アメリカ經濟史學界の最近の動向 : 産業資本の形成を中心にして (西洋 7)
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- 一九世紀前半ニュー・イングランド南部の社会的分業=市場構造
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- 小林 昇著フリードリッヒ・リスト研究
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