近世前期「経世済民」論の一考察 : 蕃山の所論を中心として
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The economic thought in Japan first appeared in the early Tokugawa period and has gradually developed since. The word 経済(Keizai) which was commonly used through the Edo period originally came from a Chinese word 経世済民(Keisei-Saimin) and it was originally used with much broader meaning than it is today. It actually meant how to govern and rule the people. Such kind of usage was first introduced by intellectuals in the beginning of the Edo period in order to consolidate the ideological foundation of the Shougunate order. It was Confucianism, particularly of the Chu Hsi school, which supported that kind of idea. Although the scholar who popularized the thought of Keisei-Saimin was Sorai Ogyu (1666-1728), one of the greatest thinkers, in this country, it was Banzan Kumazawa (1619-1691) who actually took the lead in establishing the thought. He was a forerunner of Sorai Ogyu and other followers of the philosophy. In considering the basic thinking of Kumazawa, we find in him a deep compassionate feeling and a benevolent attitude toward the people as a person belonging to the ruling class. This was a basic philosophy of Kumazawa's Keisei-Saimin thought. It seems that Kumazawa had a good understanding of the social system as well as the actual life of the people of the day and, therefore, tried to introduce the Keisei-Saimin thought as a political technique for the purpose of governing the people. In comparing one idea of Keisei-Saimin by Kumazawa with one of Sorai Ogyu and other followers, this article aims to trace the development of the philosophy through the Tokugawa period.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1966-08-25
- 藤田貞一郎著 「近世経済思想の研究」
- 近世前期「経世済民」論の一考察 : 蕃山の所論を中心として
- 日本 15 徳川時代「経済」思想史研究の回顧 (最近10年間における社会経済史学の発達)
- Seventh Anglo-American Conference of Historiansに出席して
- Economic History Society一九六二年度大会
- 第二十九回大会における共通論題報告について
- 塚谷晃弘著 「近代日本經濟思想史研究」, (昭和三五・五, 弘文堂, 五二〇圓)
- 近世經世濟民論の一考察 : 水戸學派の「富國」論を中心に
- 思想史研究の一課題 : 宮崎道生著「新井白石の研究」及び「新井白石」の書評を中心として
- 封建社會後期 : 農業生産構造の地域性を中心として (日本 3)
- 宮本又次編 「九州經濟史研究」 (經濟史研究第一集), (三和書房刊, 昭和二十八年九月刊、定價五〇〇圓)
- 地租改正資料刊行會編 明治初年地租改正基礎資料上卷