ヴァイマル共和国期における社会国家と法定家賃制度 : 住宅問題の政治社会史的考察
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After the First World War, Germany faced an enormous housing shortage. The Weimar Republic, which clearly declared itself to be a social welfare state (Sozialstaat) in the constitution of 1919, adopted a housing policy characterized by systematic state intervention in order to adjust social inequalities in the free housing market. The state intervention at that time consisted of two components: economic intervention to promote "social house building" (Sozialwohnungsbau) for lower income groups, social intervention which aimed at solving conflicts between tenants and landlords, mainly to the advantage of tenants. The economic power of house owners had been excessively strengthened by the housing shortage, leading to high rents, and then fears of a catastrophe in the housing markets which might destabilize the new political order. The Republic, therefore, urgently needed to introduce a system of social intervention restricting the legal right of house owners to dispose of their property. But this attempt caused unrest itself, particularly amouag house owners, and they started a protest movement. The movement joined forces with the antirepublican movement of the petit bourgeoisie (Mittelstand), and developed into an increasing political burden for the Republic, which had to pay "social costs" for the establishment of the social welfare state. The law for legal regulation of housing rents in 1922 represented the core of the social intervention policy outlined above, and also served as the focus of the related conflicts in society and their social costs. This paper attempts to analyze the social and political dimensions of the new rent regulation system with special reference to the possibilities and limitations of the Weimar Repubic as a social welfare state.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1996-09-25
- 大島通義著 『総力戦時代のドイツ再軍備 : 軍事財政の制度論的考察』 (同文舘出版 一九九六・二刊 A5 四一六頁 四九〇〇円)
- ヴァイマル共和国期における社会国家と法定家賃制度 : 住宅問題の政治社会史的考察
- デートレフ・ポイカート著, 小野清美・田村栄子・原田一美訳, 『ワイマル共和国 : 古典的近代の危機』, 名古屋大学出版会、一九九三年四月、二七三+一六頁、三六〇五円
- D・ブラックボーン/G・イリー/R・J・エヴァンス著, 望田幸男・川越修・工藤章・小林聡人訳, 『イギリス社会史派のドイツ史論』, 晃洋書房、一九九二年六月、一九六頁+四六頁、二九〇〇円
- ヴァイマル共和制初期の住宅立法 : 「住宅不足法」と家主層
- ハンス・ハルムゼンの優生学 : 論説三篇の紹介