- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this article is to make clear the hitherto overlooked relationship between British financial control and German railway investment in the Ottoman Empire. For this purpose, it is necessary to understand the position of French capital, which mediated between these two interests through the activities of the Banque Imperiale Ottoman. In the late nineteenth century Deutsche Bank and Banque Imperiale Ottoman led foreign investment in the Ottoman Empire. In the 1890s they began to cooperate so as to avoid the damage which might result from rivalry. Eventually, the former achieved superiority in railway investment, while the latter became ascendant in public loans, an equilibrium which is known as the Franco-German Entente over Turkish finance. Most of these investments were guaranteed by the Ottoman Public Debt Administration, which had been established in1881, primarily to protect British creditors. This alliance between new investment and an existing organization was the result of the important position which Franco-German interests had begun to occupy in the Public Debt Administration. It was indeed German capital that led railway investment in Turkey. However, this enterprise was highly dependent both upon cooperation with French capital and, through this relationship, upon financial guarantees from the Public Debt Administration.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 2001-01-25
- フランス革命・ナポレオン戦争とロシア南下政策--バルト海貿易の危機と黒海貿易の成長
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- W・J・モムゼン編, (川鍋正敏・酒井昌美訳), 『帝国主義と国民統合』, 未来社, 2002年6月, 231頁, 2,800円
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- オスマン帝国の黒海穀物貿易独占とモルダヴィア・ワラキア (上)
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